March 31, 2000
Belated Update

Wow. When I said mom was busy and wouldn't get around to updating mine diary for me, I didn't think it'd take her *this* long. She's still furry busy but I convinced her to take a few minutes to jot a note or two for me. My eye was kinda sore for a couple of weeks, but it wasn't nearly as badbad as it is sometimes. Finally, though, we got it knocked out. Inna meantime, there *is* justice in this world. Mom's had an eye infection, too, so she's had to put drops in *her* eyes! Only thing that'd be better would be if I got to hold *her* down and put thuh drops in her eyes. Oh well...can't have evfurrything in life, I guess. Seems otherwise life is finefine. Spring is here and burdies are building nests outside our windows. There's a mousie on thuh back porch whut steals birdseed. Now. If we could just get out there with that mousie....

Well, gotta run! Hopefully, I can drag mom back to update mine journal more often inna future.

Posted by Maxwell at 11:53 AM
March 01, 2000
Reporting in again...

sssigh. Mom's so busy lately she hasn't had time to take notes fur me. Howevfur, Sunday night, she looked at me and said sumfing about mine left pupil being one size and mine right pupil being another size. Left one was big and right one was small. But I was feeling finefine and was playing and wasn't squinty eyed so she couldn't figure out which eye was gonna be sick. Well, come Monday morning, it was mine left eye (thuh one whut was big) that wuz all squinty. ssigh. So we're going through thuh stoopid drops inna eye routine again. I'm not feeling nearly so bad as sometimes, though...I'm still eating and playing, so it's not tootoo bad this time! Anyway, I'll try to do better about keeping yoo all updated inna good times too, but mom sez she's gonna be busybusy ovfur thuh next month so mine updates might haffta wait. We'll see. More later....

Posted by Maxwell at 11:52 AM